A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



Examples of LAS-Inspired Learning & Teaching

... featuring LAS-inspired courses from the EPICUR pilot phase
Similar to LAS approaches at the program level, LAS-inspired courses are designed to foster certain skills and competencies. They are usually characterized by an intensive, interactive environment, an interdisciplinary approach, and student-centeredness (see e.g., The Best Liberal Arts & Sciences Teaching Expanded and Reinforced from the BLASTER project).
Within EPICUR, an LAS approach is found (1) on the program level within two thematic Study Tracks (Natural & Societal Sustainability, European Identities) and the Track Core, and (2) on the course level in the didactic approach adopted in every EPICUR course.
During the pilot phase (2019-2022) collaborative courses were developed that brought together lecturers and students from across the EPICUR alliance and adhere to LAS didactics. These courses:
  1. are typically interdisciplinary and intercultural in their approach,
  2. emphasize the importance of critical analysis, collaboration and hands-on problem-solving skills,
  3. enable the acquisition of transferable and practical skills (e.g., media competence, presentation skills, etc.),
  4. engage students directly and interactively in the design, scope and execution of class activities.
EPICUR learning and teaching offers emphasize collaborative teaching and learning. To offer an idea of how such courses can be structured, case studies of LAS-inspired teaching and learning that took place during the EPICUR pilot phase are provided to the right.

Last edited: 26. Oct 2022, 10:53, [sr1149@uni-freiburg.de]