A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



Thematic Area European Identities

... to adress concepts of identity relevant for the challenges of the Europe of the 21st century
In the EPICUR thematic area European Identities, students engage with the challenges facing Europe in the 21st century. Courses in this thematic area focus on the constructed character of European identities, on cultural memories, narratives, mediascapes, and visual cultures in Europe, and encourages students to create visions of inclusive and dynamic European futures. The term "Europe" is not limited to the EU, nor does it hinge upon notions of ethnicity, race, or religion. Instead, it addresses Europe's cultural changes, its shifting meanings, and the emergent voices of marginalized and new identities such as Afropeans, Asian Europeans, European Muslims, etc.

Courses in this thematic area enable students to engage in constructive dialogue and reflect critically on issues of justice, diversity, to integrate different methodologies used in the humanities and social sciences, and to collaborate effectively and meaningfully in an intercultural setting.
The pilot theme European Identities (EurIdent) provides historically situated, interdisciplinary, and competence-based training.  The learning in this theme focuses on:
  • the histories, cultural geography, social and religious structures of Europe, not narrowly limited to EU states nor in terms of ethnicity, race, gender, religion, and class.
  • literatures, media, and other cultural output relevant for understanding and analysing current issues in Europe.
  • migration and mobility from outside and within Europe.
  • new and marginalised European identities.
  • conceptualizing and engaging with dynamic concepts of cultural identity, multilingualism, cultural change and intermixture.
Challenge areas
The pilot theme European Identities comprises four challenge areas that are interdisciplinary in themselves:
  • Cultural Change and Contested European Identities
  • Memories and Images of Europe
  • European Futures
  • Language and Culture

Last edited: 26. Oct 2022, 13:59, Hutz-Nierhoff, Dorthe [dh1076@rz.uni-freiburg.de]