A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



Blended Learning Design

How to approach the design of blended learning scenarios?
What do we understand by Blended Learning?
Blended Learning is a broad concept. It is generally understood as a targeted, sequenced and balanced mix of different learning settings in terms of synchronicity (synchronous sessions and asynchronous study phases), location (online or offline, on-campus or distance), social learning arrangements (individual study, small group work or whole class activities), amount of teacher presence (teacher presence, tutored, independent) and a variety of methods applied.
Considering the advantages of blended learning settings to address external conditions such as time constraints, restricted mobility etc., the creation of such settings may be a matter of necessity. However, using the advantages of each respective learning environment (e.g. the possibility of in-person interaction for lively discussions or the possibility of self-paced online learning when acquiring new knowledge) while avoiding potential disadvantages and combining these elements in a meaningful way can facilitate meaningful, interactive learning that is characteristic of LAS classrooms.
Questions to ask
When planning, designing and implementing your course in a blended format, the following questions can provide a helpful framework:
  • What is my role in teaching, what are my tasks?
  • How do I promote principles of LAS such as student-centered learning, collaboration and interaction, etc. in my course?
  • What support do the students need in order to achieve the learning objectives defined?
  • What kind of learning activities do I want to stimulate?
  • What digital methods can be applied to enable these learning activities?
  • Which tools are particularly suited for this purpose? Do they comply with data protection regulations (GDPR compliance)?
  • How do I best sequence and blend different kinds of learning activities?
  • How can I design the learning environment as well as learning media used in a motivating and learner-friendly way?
  • What can I do to best facilitate learning in web meetings?
  • How can adequate and timely feedback on learning processes be ensured/provided?
In this section of the BPG you will find a selection of approaches to designing blended learning scenarios as well as typical formats such as Flipped Classroom, Hybrid Learning and SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses).
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Last edited: 26. Oct 2022, 10:49, [sr1149@uni-freiburg.de]