A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance




Designing Liberal Arts & Sciences Education in the European Context
Given all the LAS attributes mentioned in this Best Practice Guide (BPG), it can be challenging to know where to start the curriculum or course design process. Ideally, one begins with the competence orientation described in this BPG and develops a set of competences students should acquire during their LAS learning. However, to keep the design suggestions in this section more practical, course examples from the EPICUR context are offered that exemplify the implementation of LAS educational principles.
Apart from the course descriptions, the examples also provide information about:
  • Learning outcomes and competences: How does the course relate to LAS principles?

  • LAS-inspired didactic approaches: What prototypical elements of LAS instruction are present in each example (e.g., challenge-based learning, interdisciplinarity, problem-based tasks, continuous assessment)? How do these elements enhance learning & teaching?

  • Blended learning: Does the course design use a targeted mix of different delivery modes to achieve learning goals and facilitate participation (e.g., short-term mobility windows)?

Last edited: 2. Nov 2022, 17:56, [sr1149@uni-freiburg.de]