A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



How to Design Co-Construction and Collaboration in Learning & Teaching

What, why and how to design and implement co-creative and collaborative teaching and learning
"Collaborative teaching is a broad concept, which highlights the importance of the social dimension of knowledge construction and making teaching and learning a shared experience. 

In collaborative teaching, interaction and cooperation is fostered in a shared and supportive learning process. It involves both the process of co-creation of the learning process, including the collaborative development of the curriculum and teaching materials and their shared use, as well as the various modalities of co-teaching in face-to-face or online learning activities/experience.

Collaborative teaching practice (CTP) allows for the improved wellbeing of teachers and students, the improved quality of the teaching and learning experience for both the teacher and the student as well as a deeper learning experience and the development of key transversal skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, interpersonal skills, interdisciplinary experience, and collaboration."
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[1] This definition is the preliminary outcome of the EUA Thematic Peer Group “Collaborative Teaching Practice”, among its members representatives of the University of Freiburg. Further results are going to be integrated with the consent of the TPG. The group will continue working in 2022 and publish a paper with recommendations to be presented at the EUA Annual Forum on Learning & Teaching in 2023. Cf. https://eua.eu/101-projects/540-learning-teaching-thematic-peer-groups.html

Last edited: 24. Oct 2022, 15:07, Hutz-Nierhoff, Dorthe [dh1076@rz.uni-freiburg.de]