A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions,
offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance
How to Design Digital Learning & Teaching

What to consider when designing digitally enhanced learning and teaching scenarios?
In their report on “Curriculum and Assessment in a Digital Context”, the EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group "Curriculum and Assessment" (2022) explores “how to embed digitally enhanced learning and teaching (DELT) and digital technologies in the curriculum, and how to design and manage coherent digital assessment so that it truly reflects intended learning outcomes, is engaging, diverse, high quality, and aligned with the curriculum" (p.3).
The EUA report "highlights the multiple facets of curriculum and assessment in a digital environment, as well as challenges met by higher education institutions across Europe – such as reaching equity for all students, designing effective institutional strategies to embed DELT into curriculum, supporting teachers in experimenting and innovating with digital teaching, embedding assessment as integral part of curriculum, and developing students’ and teachers’ assessment literacy".
The report also provides recommendations to HEIs for addressing such challenges within the pandemic context but also beyond it. The group was organised in the context of the “Supporting European universities in their strategic approaches to digital learning” (DIGI-HE) project and EUA’s Learning & Teaching activities" (cf. https://eua.eu/resources/publications/1009:learning-teaching-thematic-peer-groups-2021.html).
In this section, you will find information, recommendations and resources on how to design digitally enhanced teaching and learning scenarios, examples of methods, platforms, tools and open educational resources (OER) used to facilitate digitally enhanced teaching and learning, teaching competences required.

Blended Learning Design

Digital Teaching & Learning
Digital Teaching & Learning
These reports by EUA (European University Association) can provide first insights into digitally enhanced teaching and learning approaches in European Higher Education Institutions:
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Last edited: 24. Oct 2022, 15:15, Hutz-Nierhoff, Dorthe [dh1076@rz.uni-freiburg.de]