A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



Competence Development in LAS

How can a competence-oriented educational approach be applied to build an LAS program?
When designing a new study program, especially in international higher education contexts, multiple perspectives must be considered to establish sustainable learning and teaching offers. For example:
  • Processes and outcomes of the study program need to be attractive to students, teachers, administrative staff, higher education institutions and future employers.
  • New study programs should enable students to develop as individuals and contribute to society by fostering competences that enable them to tackle new challenges (compare, e.g., Bucharest Communique, 2012).
In designing a new study program’s curriculum, fundamental questions include:
  • What are students learning?
  • Why are students learning it?
  • How are students learning it?
  • When and where are students learning it?
  • How can we demonstrate that learning is taking place?
(compare, e.g Hicks, 2018, p.9, following the Higher Education Academy, 2007)
This section of the Best Practice Guide offers resources for designing a competence-oriented LAS curriculum within the European Higher Education Area.

Last edited: 26. Oct 2022, 11:19, Hutz-Nierhoff, Dorthe [dh1076@rz.uni-freiburg.de]