A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



Targeted competences

What should an LAS graduate be able to do upon completing their program?
What competences should they have?
In the EPICUR pilot project proposal, competences addressed with respect to an LAS-program included descriptions of graduates who would:
  • be knowledgeable and open to collectively address and solve future problems
  • take responsibility in Europe’s big societal challenges
  • be equipped to overcome the many divisions, boundaries, and segmentations of today’s world in order to solve its problems
  • become scholars, decision makers, entrepreneurs, and citizens of Europe
  • be prepared for tomorrow’s challenges and job markets.
Following a competence-oriented approach to curricular design, stakeholders (university students, graduates, teaching staff) from various disciplines and universities were asked to identify ideal LAS-graduate competencies. They dreamt big in naming desirable overarching competencies that were not specific to a given track. They imagined a period 6-7 years from now, asking:
  • What do EPICUR LAS graduates do (careers, engagement in public life, volunteer work)?
  • What skills/values/attitudes (i.e., competences) must they have to succeed in these tasks?
The integrated responses received from different stakeholders are summarized in the following table. These competences are fostered throughout EPICUR’s LAS educational offer.
Developing Competences
Competence Orientation
Related Wiki pages
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Further resources
To delve deeper into the topic, take a look at these resources:
  • The Council of the European Union (2018) recommends “eight key competences for lifelong learning, essential to citizens for personal fulfilment, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, employability, active citizenship and social inclusion. As a reference tool for education and training stakeholders, the recommendation sets up a common understanding of competences needed nowadays and in the future. The reference framework presents successful ways to promote competence development through innovative learning approaches, assessment methods or support to educational staff”: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/297a33c8-a1f3-11e9-9d01-01aa75ed71a1

Last edited: 26. Oct 2022, 10:40, Klose, Stefanie [sk1229@uni-freiburg.de]