A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions,
offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance

Implementating Liberal Arts & Sciences Education in the European Context
“An important aspect of the Liberal Arts and Sciences is that its implementation does not correspond to a single model. It defies a rigid definition because LAS is an ongoing process of education” (Boetsch et al., 2017, p.4)]
Indeed, implementing an LAS approach can range from integrating practical, didactic approaches that alter the character and experience in individual courses to pooling resources across multiple faculties (or even multiple universities) to establish full degree programs.
In this section of the Best Practice Guide, ideas are presented from the EPICUR context for integrating LAS courses and approaches in existing programs. In partnership with EPICUR associate partner, the European Consortium for Liberal Arts & Sciences (ECOLAS), you will see excerpts from their “BLASTER” project, which boasts a wealth of expertise and practical advice for conceptualizing, planning, and implementing LAS programs the European higher education area.
Last edited: 26. Oct 2022, 11:00, [sr1149@uni-freiburg.de]