A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance



Integrating LAS Components into Existing Programmes

Why and how to integrate LAS-inspired courses into existing study programmes? 
Traditional disciplinary programmes interested in revisiting their teaching practices, degree requirements, and connection to other disciplines may find that incorporating LAS didactic approaches and learning pathways (like EPICUR’s European Tracks) constitute a happy medium between a complete programme overhaul and maintaining the status quo.
The ideas offered in this section will expand and update as EPICUR moves forward. They represent ideas and conversation starters for program coordinators, faculty, and other university stakeholders interested in how tenets of the LAS educational approach might enhance their programmes.
Click a tile to the right to further explore these approaches.

Last edited: 17. Oct 2022, 10:52, Hutz-Nierhoff, Dorthe [dh1076@rz.uni-freiburg.de]