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A Best Practice Guide for implementing Liberal Arts and Sciences at European Higher Education Institutions, offered to you by EPICUR European University Alliance


Learning Platforms and Digital Tools

Using digital learning environments and tools to foster (cross-alliance) collaboration in learning and teaching
The EPICUR Inter-University Campus (EIUC) is EPICUR's central online gateway for supporting flexible virtual, physical and hybrid mobilities for all students and staff across the alliance. One of its unique features is its fully digitalized, paper-free process for student admissions that is supported by a secure, scalable and transparent solution based on free and open-source software. Furthermore, the EIUC offers innovative functionality to monitor mobilities, issue and recognize certifications (including ECTS and micro-credentials).
The main EIUC components are the following:
  • Single Sign On (SSO) Services in order for the users to have access with their institutional account
  • Virtual University Registrar System (VURS): Centralised Campus Management System/Student Information System (CMS/SIS) keeping the necessary information for the students’ mobilities and services
  • Virtual Campus Learning Platform (VCLP): The Learning Management System (LMS) of EPICUR along with a Decentralised LMS server acting as gateway to local LMSs of the partners
For teachers in EPICUR this means that they do not have to re-build their course on a central LMS that they are most likely unfamiliar with, but can, instead, continue to offer their courses in the virtual environment of their choice.
Students, on the other hand, are granted fast and easy access to courses on local platforms of all nine partners.
Communities of Learning - Communities of Practice
Beyond its main function of serving as a gateway to the local partner Learning Management Systems - the central VCLP (which is based on the open source ILIAS LMS) has also been used to foster communities of learning and practice among EPICUR teachers and students. For GDPR reasons, only LMS tools or approved plugins were used.
Digital Tools
Below you find a selection of ILIAS functions and tools that have proved beneficial for communication and collaboration purposes in their teaching and learning contexts.
Click a tile to access the corresponding sections of the "Digital Teaching Toolbox" provided by the University of Freiburg:

Zuletzt geändert: 26. Okt 2022, 10:51, []