Languages & Culture

About Languages & Culture:
EPICUR considers language and culture to be vital for the communication within academic communities and for the interaction with societies. A good command of several European languages is a basic precondition to foster educational and research quality and facilitate learning experiences. Offering mobility programmes in the field of European language and culture is one of EPICUR’s key priorities to promote multilingualism. In return linguistic and cultural diversity will nurture social cohesion and mutual understanding in Europe as well as improve the employability of students and researchers.
How to Proceed:
1. Choose and select one or more courses from the Course Catalogue. Additional admission criteria may apply. Check and confirm that your application complies to the generic EPICUR Admission Criteria.
Find your courses in the categories below and click the button Apply now! to log onto VURS (Virtual University Registrar System). 

Submit your application online before the deadline. You will be requested to upload required documentation.
3. Once you've been approved, click the button Access your course!
Please check with the exam board of your home institution to determine whether you can transfer the ECTS earned during the (online) course abroad to your programme of study.
Detailed Course Catalogue and Application:
Modern Greek
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Customizing/global/epicur-vurs-connect.js"></script>
<div class="ilc_text_block_Headline2blueleft">Courses (Modern Greek):</div>
<div id="courses-mogr">Please wait...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">writeEpicurStudyProgram('#courses-mogr', 'MOGR', 'summer', 2021);</script>
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<div class="ilc_text_block_Headline2blueleft">Courses (Slavonic):</div>
<div id="courses-slav">Please wait...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">writeEpicurStudyProgram('#courses-slav', 'SLAV', 'summer', 2021);</script>
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<div class="ilc_text_block_Headline2blueleft">Courses (Nordic/Scandinavian):</div>
<div id="courses-nosc">Please wait...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">writeEpicurStudyProgram('#courses-nosc', 'NOSC', 'summer', 2021);</script>
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